As the Curriculum Director for the Walk In My Shoes (WIMS) Program, I aligned the WIMS curriculum with several different elementary standards. This document outlines each unit and lesson of the WIMS curriculum and which Social Emotional Learning standards from New York (Virginia has not yet established standards), Common Core 3rd grade Reading standards, and Common Core 3rd grade Writing standards that lesson covers. This is a sample of a larger document which includes reverse verification of standards. (e.g. listing the SEL standards and noting which unit they are covered in), more detailed standard alignment (e.g. specifics on how each activity addresses a standard), and more detailed analytics and statistics of the WIMS program and standards
After two untraditional school years impacted by COVID, teachers required a systematic way to determine student's current academic levels. I created these quick reference data sheets for Language Arts and Math for 6th -8th grade as a way for teachers to track student progress toward the Virginia standards of learning in each content area. This tracking form allows teachers to determine where students are at the beginning of the year, plan for teaching each standard, track mid-year progress, determine necessary interventions, and continue tracking readiness leading up to the VA Standards Of Learning (SOL) assessments at the end of the year.
As the owner of SFTC, I developed studio guidelines for each level of class that aligns with national core arts dance and theater standards. This allowed for our multi-location business to provide the same programs and implement practices with fidelity. Course outlines developed in alignment with these standards were provided to teachers through an online learning platform. This is an example of a student checklist for our Ballet Level 1 class aligned to the NCA Dance standards.
Middle School Improvement Plan
As part of our school's Compass Team and Instructional Council, I worked with administrators and other school leaders to assess our School Innovation and Improvement Plan (SIIP) which is required of every school in the county. As a leader, I helped to drive this working tool and facilitate stakeholders in utilizing the tool to determine next steps for their content area. This plan addresses needs in Literacy, Math, Science, and Caring Culture. We align our goals and action plans to the county mission and vision, the school's mission and vision, Portrait of a Graduate skills (POG), and Standards of Accreditation (SOA). (This is a working document so it is a little messier than our formalized plan)